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Nine Grain Mix Flour

Price: ₹200 / 500g

Nine Grain Mix Flour

Suitable for:

All age groups, especially diabetics, heart patients, and weight-watchers


Use as flour to make various food items like chapati, bhakri, thalipith, cheela, and so on

Our daily diet is predominant in wheat and rice, we are keeping ourselves away from health benefits of magical millets. Try this 9 Grain Mix flour this winter which contains the goodness of millets, pulses, ajwain, jeera, dhaniya, fenugreek seeds as well as flax and sesame seeds. You can try different recipes like bhakari, thalipeeth, cheela, steamed vegetable balls etc by using this flour.
Millets are a group of gluten free cereals and are least allergenic and slowly digestible grains. They contain high amounts of dietary fibres, B-complex vitamins, essential amino acids, and vitamin E. Their consumption reduces the risk of lifestyle diseases.
Flax seeds are one of the most concentrated plant sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, which are considered as precursors for brain development of the foetus in the uterus until infancy. Flax seeds can be of great help in reducing the level of blood pressure and in dealing with constipation during pregnancy. They are also rich in antioxidants, B-vitamins, dietary fibres, proteins, and a group of phytoestrogens called lignans.