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Raw Banana Flour

Price: ₹80 / 100g

Raw Banana Flour

Suitable for:

All age groups, babies above 6 months of age


Use to make kheer or cheela. Add to baby food, halwa, soups, etc. to boost nutritional value

Raw banana flour has proven to be a healthy eating option for the babies above 6 months of age. It is made naturally at home by peeling, chopping and slicing firm and raw bananas. These slices are then sun dried and grinded to obtain the powder. Hence, our raw banana flour is chemical free, preservative free, and has no added salt, sugar, or oil.Raw Banana flour helps in weight gain, building immunity and healthy brain development in babies. It is power-packed with fibre, potassium and other vital nutrients like vitamins A, C and B-complex. It is easy to digest, eases constipation, and does not cause cough and cold like normal bananas.Suitable for babies aged 6 months and older
This can also be used in geriatric care (for old people who are unable to chew food) and in tube feeding. Tube feeding is indicated for patients who have functioning gastrointestinal tract but are anable to take oral feedings. For example, in having conditions like burns, prolonged infections, surgery, trauma, prolonged vomitting, malabsorption, cancer etc.